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Continents - Africa

Map of Africa

Africa....What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Africa? African animals? Ancient civilizations? Political unrest? Come and participate in these online African activities and discover more about this fascinating continent. A map of Africa with countries might be useful for some of these activities.
Africa Online - Land

There are over 1000 different languages spoken in Africa. Find out how to count to ten in Kiswahili.

  1. In terms of size of continents, find out if Africa is 1st in size, 2nd in size, 3rd in size, etc.
  2. North America covers 16.2% of the surface of the earth and contains 5% of the people on the earth. Find this same information for Africa. Make a pie chart showing the 7 continents and the percentage of earth's land mass they occupy.
  3. Make another pie chart showing the 7 continents and the percentage of the world's population that each contains.
  4. How many times could you fit the United States inside of Africa?
Africa Map

The official language of several countries in Africa is Portuguese or French or English. In the development of Africa, how did these countries end up with European languages as "official" languages?

  1. List the oceans/seas that surround the continent of Africa.
  2. Using the Africa map, select an African country. Find information about the country using the CIA World Factbook. To record your findings: Fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise. On the left side, write the name of the country you have selected. On the right side, write Japan or the United States. Record the following information for BOTH countries using the CIA World Factbook:
    • Life expectancy at birth for males
    • Life expectancy at birth for females
    • Infant mortality rate (number of deaths per 1000 live births)
    • Literacy percentage for total population
  3. From the information that you have found, what can you infer about access to health care and access to educational opportunities for many African countries versus the same thing for Japan or the United States?
  4. Go back to the CIA World Factbook and look under the category "Labor Force". Find the percentage of people occupied in agriculture or farming for your African country and also for either Japan or the United States. What can you infer about developing countries versus industrialized countries in terms of health care and educational opportunities?
Country Statistics At A Glance

From the given charts find the following information:

  1. Of the 10 largest countries in terms of physical area, which ones are in Africa?
  2. Of the 10 smallest countries in terms of physical area, which ones are in Africa?
  3. Of the 10 countries with the highest population density, which ones are in Africa?
  4. Of the 10 countries with the lowest population density, which ones are in Africa?
  5. Of the 10 countries with the highest per capita income, which ones are in Africa?
  6. Of the 10 countries with the lowest per capita income, which ones are in Africa?
  7. Of the 10 countries with the highest infant mortality rate, which ones are in Africa?
  8. Of the 10 countries with the lowest infant mortality rate, which ones are in Africa?
  9. Of the 10 countries with the highest life expectancy, which ones are in Africa?
  10. Of the 10 countries with the lowest life expectancy, which ones are in Africa?
  11. Of the 10 countries with the lowest literacy rates, which ones are in Africa?

Bonus Question: Use Encyclopedia.Com or Information Please Almanac Online to find the following information: Timbuktu is a real city in Africa. Which African country is it in? Historically, why was it an important city?