Charles Darwin is one of the world's greatest and most influential scientists.
General Information
Teacher Resources
Web Activities
Videos & Illustrations

Learn more about Charles Robert Darwin's life - born in 1809 and died in 1882.

The complete works of Charles Darwin online, including audio extracts and reference works available to download.

Explore Darwin's life and the theory he proposed, find resources for teachers and students and a library of additional resources.

Do you have questions about evolution? Check out the Evolution FAQ.

Download free .pdf versions of each unit of this 40-page guide, filled with, activities and multimedia resources on science and evolution.

This activity provides an opportunity for students to compare the theories of two historically important evolutionary scientists: Jean Baptiste Lamarck and Charles Darwin.

Follow in Darwin's footsteps as he sails to distant lands, encounters exotic creatures, and develops his theory of natural selection.

This activity provides an opportunity for students to compare the theories of two historically important evolutionary scientists: Jean Baptiste Lamarck and Charles Darwin.

This online video highlights Charles Darwin's personal struggle to bring to light his theory of evolution through natural selection.

This video for high school students explores the scientific meaning of the word "theory" and illustrates how evolution is a powerful, well-supported scientific explanation for the relatedness of all life.

Discover how Charles Darwin first contrived the theory of natural selection. Consider how animal populations are controlled by a struggle for existence.

Darwin developed his theory of evolution by natural selection at a time when creationism dominated the public thinking. In this video clip, Darwin is seen arguing for his theory with creationist thinkers.

You can find the largest collection in the world of electronic images relating to Darwin.