Early Childhood Critical Issues Series
UETN is committed to continuing the conversation begun by this collaboration and film series.
Next Steps:

Resources for Early Childhood Development

eMedia is a free resource to Utah educators and students to download educational media.

Quality early childhood resources for youngsters.

PBS Utah looks at how Utah serves the youngest members of our community.
- Baby Watch Early Intervention
- Child Care Licensing
- Children's Service Society
- Developmental Screening
- Early Childhood Utah
- Head Start
- Office of Home Visiting
- United Way
- Utah Association for Infant Mental Health
- Utah Department of Human Services
- Utah State Board of Education Family and Consumer Science
- Voices for Utah Children
Higher Education Partners
- Eccles Early Childhood Development Lab
Salt Lake Community College - Emma Eccles Jones Early Childhood Center
Utah State University - Family and Consumer Science
University of Utah - Child and Family Studies
Weber State University
Scholarly Articles
Community Models
Project Mission
This community collaboration aims to provide Utah audiences a multi-platform opportunity to understand community issues around early childhood education across the state.