Foods and Fitness - Foods/Nutrition I
Families, Food, and Social Interaction

Unit I - Meal Time as an Avenue for Communication

Randomly select four students to sit around a table at the front of the class.  Pass out to these students a snack or a drink.  Without any instruction allow the students to eat or drink their refreshment while casually talking among themselves.  Have the rest of the class listen to the conversation.

Discuss with the class their reaction to the role play.  Ask the participating students how they felt about their communication with each other.

Discuss, among others, the following questions:

Did the conversation include all students?
Did any one student feel left out of the conversation?
Did all students relate to the topic of conversation, or did one student dominate the conversation?

Utah State Board of Education ~ Family and Consumer Sciences ~ 250 East 500 South ~ P.O. Box 144200 ~ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200
Introduction Pre-Assessment Classroom Member Diversity Kitchen Equipment and Lab Procedures Importance of Mathematics in Home Economic Nutrition and Food Science Classes Reading a Recipe and Measuring Safety and Food Sanitation Keeping the Nutrtion and Foods Science Lab Evironmentally Safe and Clean