Unit I - The Adolescent
Have the students think through individual answers to three questions. Tell the class that they will be asked questions and will be allowed 60 seconds (timed) to decide on answers. The students can write the answers or just think about them. At the end of the first 60 seconds, ask the second question and give them the same amount of time. At the end of the second 60 seconds, ask the third question, etc. No answers need to be shared; all answers are individual choices and are accepted as such.
When the students have thought about all four questions, open up the subject for class discussion.
The following three questions are to be used:
- How fit am I right now?
- What are my fitness habits?
- How can I improve my fitness?
- How does food affect my own physical fitness program?
NOTE TO TEACHER: The questions may be put on the board or overhead, but be sure to read them aloud so that students who are slower readers are given a fair chance.
After the students have thought out their answers to the four questions, have each student list at least five things that he/she feel is an eating problem for him/her. Use the following example as an introduction to start student thinking in the direction of personal eating habits.
EXAMPLE: Jane made the following list for just the cookies she was eating at her friend's home every day after school:
- Snacking after school.
- Eating high calorie foods for snacks.
- Once I start eating cookies, I can't stop.
- Cookies don't give me much nourishment and fill me up so I'm not hungry for nourishing foods at dinner.
- My friend always has cookies or cupcakes in her kitchen after school.
- My friend and I are hooked on a T.V. show.
- I can't seem to have fun with this friend unless we're eating.
- This friend seems to force food on me. She seems to eat as much as she wants without gaining weight but I can't.