Foods and Fitness - Foods/Nutrition I

Building the Body's Cells and Tissues

Unit II - Skills Supplement Meat/Poultry/Fish/Eggs Constructing and Maintaining the Body

As a pre-assessment evaluate the students' knowledge of meats and protein by having them take a MEAT PRE-TEST.  Use this pre-assessment as a basis for future learnings.

Remember to let the students know that a pre-assessment is only a tool to determine the student's current knowledge and that their responses will not be graded.

Utah State Board of Education ~ Family and Consumer Sciences ~ 250 East 500 South ~ P.O. Box 144200 ~ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200
Introduction Pre-Assessment Classroom Member Diversity Kitchen Equipment and Lab Procedures Importance of Mathematics in Home Economic Nutrition and Food Science Classes Reading a Recipe and Measuring Safety and Food Sanitation Keeping the Nutrtion and Foods Science Lab Evironmentally Safe and Clean