Foods and Fitness - Foods/Nutrition I

Regulating Body Functions

Unit III - Skills Supplement Fruits and Vegetables A Nutritionally Rich Base for a Well Balanced Diet

As a pre-assessment display the following items in three different areas around the room. Label each item with the corresponding letter and/or title.  Have the students examine the displays and answer the questions listed below.


  1. A fruit or vegetable which is damaged; small in size, blemished, dark in color, over ripe, etc.
  2. The same fruit or vegetable in perfect form.


  1. A carrot that has been stored for 7 days wrapped in the refrigerator.
  2. A carrot that has been stored for 7 days unwrapped in the refrigerator.


  1. Carrots that have been boiled with a considerable amount of water for a long time.
  2. Carrots prepared in the microwave with little water.



  1. Which fruit would you buy?  A or B? 
  2. What are your reasons?


  1. Brainstorm different storage methods for fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. Record the appearance of both of the displays, C and D.  Consider size, color (bright, dull), texture (firm, limp, blemishes).
  3. How was carrot "C" stored?  Carrot "D"?


  1. Which method of preparation will contain the highest nutrient value, microwaved or boiled?  Why?
  2. Which will have the best flavor?  Why?
  3. Which looks the most appealing?  Consider both color and texture.
Utah State Board of Education ~ Family and Consumer Sciences ~ 250 East 500 South ~ P.O. Box 144200 ~ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200
Introduction Pre-Assessment Classroom Member Diversity Kitchen Equipment and Lab Procedures Importance of Mathematics in Home Economic Nutrition and Food Science Classes Reading a Recipe and Measuring Safety and Food Sanitation Keeping the Nutrtion and Foods Science Lab Evironmentally Safe and Clean