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Classroom & Laboratory Management

As Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) teachers we find ourselves with something no other teacher is faced with – the organization and maintenance of the foods lab.  It often becomes an overwhelming and ongoing process.  This unit was designed to hopefully make your job a little easier.

We must also remember that what we demonstrate in our foods labs, whether verbally or by example, may be the only learning a student gets as to a proper and clean way to maintain a household.  Remember, prevention is the best cure.  This is especially true when it comes to incorporating environmental issues into FACS.

We only have these students for a brief moment.  They need to understand that, since family is the smallest unit of society, it is within the family that we can do the most to cure environmental ills.  The job of the professional home economist is to simulate for individual students in the laboratory the proper practice for families within the home.  Help your students set a precedent and start an environmentally wise family tradition in their own families.  Let’s make every moment count.

Utah State Board of Education ~ Family and Consumer Sciences ~ 250 East 500 South ~ P.O. Box 144200 ~ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200
Introduction Pre-Assessment Classroom Member Diversity Kitchen Equipment and Lab Procedures Importance of Mathematics in Home Economic Nutrition and Food Science Classes Reading a Recipe and Measuring Safety and Food Sanitation