UEN » Counties of Utah » Webquest » Utah Counties WebQuest - UEN

Family Vacation: Utah Counties WebQuest

Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits


Garfield County
Bryce Canyon,
Garfield County
Can you believe it? Your  parents just put you in charge of the family vacation. They want  you to plan a trip to a Utah county that is at least 100 miles from your  home. (I guess your parents don't want you to be too close to home but not too far either.) Your mind must be racing with  ideas, but you're limited by the time and money your parents  have saved for this trip. Thanks to each county's travel department, who would love  to have your family visit, you have many resources available to help you plan this trip. 

The difficulty will be to make your plans doable and cheap (or as your Dad would put it, “inexpensive.”) You also want to make sure each person in your family gets to see or do something they really are interested in. You found out that your Mom wants to see some of the natural wonders of the area (rivers, lakes, geological features, etc.), your Dad wants to see some of the historical sites (museums, monuments), your siblings want to do something fun (swimming, playgrounds, dinosaurs), and you want to do and see some things that are interesting to you.  So get ready to be the family travel agent and plan the best vacation your family has ever had.