Beaver County

When visiting Beaver County you will find another example of typical
basin and range territory. Early Archaic Indians as well as the Dominguez
– Escalante expedition (1776) and even early trappers Jedediah S.
Smith (1826) and John C. Fremont (1844) all came through this area before
the county was created in 1856. Though a mining boom in the 1870’s
put Beaver on the map, farming has sustained the area and is still the
area’s major resource. People can still visit the old mining town
of Frisco, now a ghost town. One unique feature of the area is the county’s
geothermal power plant which uses natural steam from the ground and modern
equipment to produce power.
Beaver County is probably best known for two famous people who originated
here. One person more infamous than famous would be Robert Leroy Parker
(a.k.a. Butch Cassidy) born in 1866. He is credited as having the longest
run of successful bank and train robberies in the history of the American
West. Someone probably more known today would be Philo T. Farnsworth who
was born in 1906 in this county. He contributed to the invention now known
as television. After his death in 1971, he was honored in 1990 by placing
Utah’s second statue in the U.S. Capitol's Statuary Hall entitled
"Father of Television."
More information for Beaver County can be found at the following sites:
- UOPL: Beaver County
- Beaver County Travel Council
- - Beaver
- Utah Counties Profile - Beaver County
- Utah History Encyclopedia - Beaver County
- Utah History For Kids – Beaver County
- U.S. Census Quickfacts - Beaver County
- Visit Utah - Beaver

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