Colonial Williamsburg
Welcome to Utah's Colonial Williamsburg website for Utah teachers, students and parents! We hope that everything that's relevant to this important place and time in early U.S. history has been brought together into one website for easy access and integration into the classroom and curriculum.
Like Williamsburg, this website is an ongoing project that is meant to bring people together, young and old, to learn and share thoughts, resources, and perspectives.
Colonial Williamsburg Resources General Early & Colonial America Resources
Colonial Williamsburg Resources

Experience life in the 18th century at America's largest outdoor history museum

Historical content, lesson plans, and audio and video as classroom resources.

Colonial Williamsburg resources for people and places that made 18th-century history.
General Early & Colonial America Resources

American Memory provides free access to historical images, maps, sound recordings, and motion pictures that document the American experience.

Site dedicated to Public Speeches and Speakers of all kinds.

Includes images of original primary source documents, lesson plans, teacher and student competitions, and educational resources.

Lesson plans, activities, books and websites tied to the 5th Grade Social Studies core curriculum.

Social Studies core curriculum resources from the Utah Education Network.

US History I core curriculum resources from the Utah Education Network.

US History II core curriculum resources from the Utah Education Network.

Social studies resources from the Utah State Board of Education.
Materials for the class as requested by the instructor(s)
- Current Backward Design Template (doc)
- Examples Strategy Cards (doc)
- Examples Thinking Device Cards (doc)
- Historian Skills Cards Template (doc)
- Methods Template for Thinking Devices (doc)
- Rubric for Backward Design (doc)
- Rubric for Historian Skills Cards (doc)
- Rubric for Scope and Sequence (doc)
- Rubric for Strategy Cards (doc)
- Template and Examples Thinking Device Card (doc)
- Template Strategy Cards (doc)
- Two Column Notes for Marzano (doc)
- Yearly Curriculum Mapping Template (doc)
- Lee Resolution (1776)
- Declaration of Independence without Signatures (1776) (pdf)
- Declaration of Independence with Signatures (1776) (pdf)
- Articles of Confederation p1 (1777) (pdf)
- Articles of Confederation p2 (1777) (pdf)
- Treaty of Alliance with France p1 (1778) (pdf)
- Treaty of Alliance with France p2 (1778) (pdf)
- Original Design of the Great Seal of the United States (1782) (pdf)
- Treaty of Paris p1 (1783) (pdf)
- Treaty of Paris p2 (1783) (pdf)
10 Best Technology Resources for Your Classroom

Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds.

A digital media repository filled with video and other educational media free for Utah's educators, students and citizen learners.

Search the world wide web for resources.

Digital music player and music store. Download music, movies, TV shows, apps, and more to your Mac, PC, iPod, and iPhone.

The largest library in the world, with more than 120 million items. The collections include books, sound recordings, motion pictures, photographs, maps, and manuscripts.

K-12 school libraries students, educators and staff have access to World Book Online, CultureGrams and other online resources.

A great list of web sites that provide free sounds, images, and videos that can be used in your classroom and multimedia presentations.

Online video community, allowing millions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos.

UEN provides free web tools and services, such as lesson plans, videos, and curriculum resources for Utah educators, students and parents.