English Language Arts Preschool-Age 4 (2023)
Lesson Plans
Speaking and Listening (P4.SL)
Students will learn to collaborate, express and listen to ideas, integrate and evaluate information from various sources, use media and visual displays as well as language and grammar strategically to help achieve communicative purposes, and adapt to context and task.
Standard P4.SL.1:
Participate in conversations with peers and adults, using age-appropriate vocabulary on topics and texts.
Cook - Make Fry Bread
Children will talk about and measure ingredients to make fry bread.
Dance - Strictly No Elephants
Children will move around in a designated area as they move like the animals in the story.
Drama - Hello Toes, Hello Feet
Children will act out the story by copying the actions the little girl has done while wearing different shoes to help demonstrate the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
Drama - I Ain't Gonna Paint
Children will act out the story with a beginning, middle, and end. Children will be able to identify body parts, review and label several color words, and use rhyming to predict what will be painted next.
Drama - Re-enact Mel Fell
Children will be assigned a main character in a story they have recently read. They will act out the story with a beginning, middle, and end. Mel is learning to fly and perseveres until she is successful.
Drama - Saturday
Children will be assigned a main character in a story they have recently read. They will act out the story with a beginning, middle, and end.
Drama - Theo's Mood
Children will be assigned a main character in a story they have recently read. They will act out the story with a beginning, middle, and end.
Read - Dragons Love Tacos
Child(ren) will read the book Dragons Love Tacos with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.
Read - Dream Snow
Child(ren) will read the book Dream Snow with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.
Read - Fry Bread
Child(ren) will read the book Fry Bread with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.
Read - Hello Toes, Hello Feet
Child(ren) will read the book Hello Toes, Hello Feet with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.
Read - I Ain't Gonna Paint No More
Child(ren) will read the book I Ain't Gonna Paint No More with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.
Read - Kahlil and Mr. Hagerty
Child(ren) will read the book Khalil and Mr. Hagerty with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.This story is about a house that has been separated into an upstairs and downstairs apartment. A young boy named Khalil and and older gentleman, Mr. Hagerty, form a friendship throughout the story. Together they share ideas, time, and thoughts.
Read - Mel Fell
Child(ren) will read the book Mel Fell with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.
Read - Saturday
Child(ren) will read the book Saturday with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.
Read - Seeds Move
Child(ren) will read the book Seeds Move with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.
Read - Silly Sally
Child(ren) will read the book Silly Sally with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.
Read - Strictly No Elephants
Child(ren) will read the book Strictly No Elephants with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.
Read - Theo's Mood
Child(ren) will read the book Theo's Mood with an adult for the first time. Story will be re-read several times during the week.
Repeated Reading
Repeated Reading According to research, it is recommended that preschool teachers prepare children for later reading instruction. They can do so by introducing the five critical building blocks for literacy including phonological awareness, letter identification, vocabulary knowledge, print concepts, and a positive attitude toward reading (Henry, 2019). (Early Learning Standards, ELA Introduction)
Telling Stories
Children will take turns adding to stories. You can pick a topic and start off by saying ?Once upon a time?? and then take turns embellishing and extending the story. The goal is to pay attention to details, attend to one another while building their working memory, focusing their attention, and practicing self-control.
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(USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education
(USHE). Send questions or comments to USBE
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and see the Early Learning website. For
general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director
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State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced
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credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These
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