Lesson Plans
Digital Library for Earth Systems Education
DLESE's educational resources include lesson plans, scientific data, visualizations, interactive computer models, and virtual field trips.-
Energy Education Lesson Plans and Activities
The U.S. Department of Energy has an array of lesson plans and activities centered on renewable energy.

Climate Science Lesson Plans from the EPA
The Environmental Protection Agency has developed lesson plans about climate change for middle school students.Global Climate Change: Understanding the Greenhouse Effect
In this lesson, students learn about ways in which we study past climate change, and reflect on the present condition of Earth's climate.Global Warming (pdf)
Conduct research using a variety of primary sources to explore perspectives in the global warming debate.-
How We Know What We Know about Our Changing Climate
This Science NetLinks lesson will help students understand the scientific research into climate change and the role of citizen scientists in helping professional scientists generate data to track the problem and devise solutions. -
Prehistoric Climate Change: Why It Matters Today
In this lesson students will calculate temperatures in the prehistoric world by using a method called “leaf-margin analysis.”

Abrupt Climate Change
This Science NetLinks lesson has students explore how scientific knowledge changes in the context of abrupt climate change.Environmental Literacy & Inquiry
This extensive energy curriculum gives students the opportunity to learn more about forms, extraction, production, and consumption of energy.Simulating Climate Change Research in Grasslands
This lesson provides you with an opportunity to explore the climate change concept with your students in more depth.Who Will Take the Heat?
In this activity from the PBS Nova program, students will learn about the environmental, economic, and political issues surrounding global climate change policy and will specifically compare the emissions of the U.S. and China, the two largest producers of emissions that cause global warming.