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AI Toolkit

AI Tooklit for Educators

When used strategically, generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has the potential to personalize and deepen student learning. But because it’s a relatively new technology, many educators are still learning how to integrate AI into their classrooms in ways that promote learning. The following collection of resources is designed as a starting point for teachers looking to expand their AI literacy and learn more about the intersections of effective pedagogy and AI in the classroom.

AI & Student Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made a remarkable entry into education, leaving educators with a mix of emotions. This course will help educators navigate this new frontier by exploring different types of AI and their applications, the ethical challenges and dilemmas of AI in education, the impact of AI on teaching and learning, and the design of activities and assessments that incorporate AI. Upon completion of the course, participants will have the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about how AI can be effectively integrated into their teaching practices.


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AI Techer Tips

UEN’s Teacher Tips are quick videos and articles providing educators with useful ideas for their classrooms. This playlist includes all of our AI-focused Teacher Tips to date, with more to come soon.

AI Homeroom Episodes

UEN’s Homeroom podcast tells the stories of Utah educators and the issues impacting their classrooms, and Homeroom’s entire final season is dedicated to AI and its impact on Utah’s education system. Listen to AI Homeroom Podcasts