Venn Diagram |
You completed the diagram comparing the two characters. Included multiple examples in each part of the diagram.
You included examples in each part of the diagram, but only one example in a section.
You did not complete some sections of the Venn Diagram.
Recording comparing characters |
You created a recording that used text evidence comparing Pete and Pickles. You included at least two examples.
You created a recording, but did not include enough examples from the story.
You did not record, or did not compare the two main characters in the story.
Drawing |
You drew a scene showing what adventure Pete and Pickles may go on next.
You drew a scene, but it doesn't have to do with what they may do next.
You did not include a drawing.
Text box explaining drawing |
You created a text box explaining what you think Pete and Pickles may do next citing text evidence to support your inference.
You created a text box but did not explain why you think they would complete this activity next.
You did not include a text box.
Recording how Pete changed |
You recorded how Pete changed throughout the story and cited how Pickles helped him change with examples from the text.
You recorded how Pete changed, but did not include how Pickles helped him or didn't include examples from the text.
You did not create a recording or did not include how Pete changed throughout the story.