The Story of a Scar                                

Name: _________________ Teacher: Heather Payne
Date: Class:
Description: Digital Story
1 2 3 Score
Brainstormed ideas. Did not brainstorm, or only included one idea. Completed the brainstorm form with a couple ideas but didn't include ideas or events for the chosen idea. Brainstormed a list of injury ideas. Chose one and then brainstormed events and details about that chosen story.
Completed a story web Did not complete a story web or only created one or two sections. Created a story web but the organization did not flow or was confusing. Created a detailed story web. The organization was easy to follow and precise.
Created a digital story with a slideshow The story was incomplete or hard to follow. The story had a clear beginning, middle, and end but could have used more descriptive details. The story had a clear beginning, middle, end, and was descriptive and rich in details.