Similes Webpage Project (16 Points)                                

Name: _________________ Teacher: Stacie Woodruff
Date: April 19, 2023 Class: 4th Grade English
Description: Students will make a webpage to share their similes and photographs.
3 2 1 0
Student has made an Adobe Express Web Page Student has made an Adobe Express web page Student did not make an Adobe Express web page/did not do assignment
Student has 3 similes Student has 3 similes Student has 2 similes Student has 1 simile Student has no similes/did not do assignment
Student has 3 justifications for similes (1 each) Student has 3 accurate justifications for similes Student has 2 accurate justifications for similes, or 3 with one that is not accurate Student has 1 accurate justifications or multiple justifications that are not accurate Student does not have justifications or does not have accurate justifications
Student has 3 photographs (1 per simile) Student has 3 photographs in web page Student has 2 photographs in web page Student has 1 photograph Student has no photographs/did not do assignment
Photographs illustrate similes All 3 photographs illustrate their assigned simile Most photographs illustrate most similes Only one photograph illustrates its simile Photographs do not illustrate similes/did not do assignment
Student has 1 original and 1 borrowed photograph Student has 1 original and 1 borrowed photograph in web page Student has either original or borrowed photographs in web page Student does not have photographs in web page/did not do assignment
Student has citation for borrowed photograph Student has citation for borrowed photograph Student does not have citation for borrowed photograph