Responding and connecting to Music- Music Video                                

Name: _________________ Teacher: Jimie Baker
Date: Class:
Description: Students are to create a music video using photographs that represent the intent of the musical selection.
Music video contains meaningful photographs. Students took or found several photographs that represent the musical selection. Students only used a few photographs they found or took to represent the musical selection
Music video had background music Students music selection was used as the background music of the video Students did not include the musical selection as the background music.
Photographs were properly cited Students used media that were free to use and cited them appropriately Students media images were not sourced properly and/or were not free to use.
Students captured the vision Students really thought out their music video and portrayed the intent of the musical piece. Students were rushed and quickly put their video together not capturing the intent of the musical piece
Thoughtful and Creative Students were able to connect and respond the the musical selection by creating a music video that was well thought out and created. Students did not connect and respond to the musical selection and created a music video that was quickly put together.