Excellent - 4
Good - 3
Satisfactory - 2
Needs Improvement - 1
Photos/Labels |
Used at least 3 photos of U.S. symbols, states, and/or flags. Included a label or audio for each photo.
Used at least 2 photos of U.S. symbols, states, and/or flags. Included a label or audio for each photo.
Used at least 1 photos of U.S. symbols, states, and/or flags. Included a label or audio for each photo.
Project has no photos, labels, or audio.
Subject Knowledge |
Subject knowledge is evident throughout the project. All information is clear, appropriate, and correct.
Subject knowledge is evident in much of the project. Most information is clear, appropriate, and correct.
Some subject knowledge is evident. Some Information is confusing, incorrect, or flawed.
Subject knowledge is not evident. Information is confusing, incorrect, or flawed.
Citing Sources |
All sources are properly cited.
Most sources are properly cited.
Few sources are properly cited.
No sources are properly cited.
Organization |
The sequence of information is logical and intuitive. Menus and paths to all information are clear and direct.
The sequence of information is logical. Menus and paths to most information are clear and direct.
The sequence of information is somewhat logical. Menus and paths are confusing and flawed.
The sequence of information is not logical. Menus and paths to information are not evident.
Originality |
The project shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the content and many of the ideas are fresh, original, and inventive.
The project shows some evidence of originality and inventiveness.
The work is an extensive collection and rehash of other people's ideas, products, and images. There is little evidence of new thought or inventiveness.
The work is a minimal collection or rehash of other people's ideas, products, and images. There is no evidence of new thought.