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Shape & Form

Main Core Tie

Interior Design 1
Strand 3 Standard 1

Time Frame

1 class periods of 30 minutes each

Group Size


Life Skills

Thinking & Reasoning




Students will learn the difference between shape and form by participating in a hands on activity.


modeling clay or salt dough (refer to attached recipe), assignment sheets

Background for Teachers

Teachers should know the difference between shape and form. Shape--two-dimensional, Form--three-dimensional.

Student Prior Knowledge

Students should know the difference between shape and form. Shape--two-dimensional, Form--three-dimensional.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Through creating a form based on a shape that they have drawn, students should come away with the knowledge that forms are three-dimensional and shapes are two-dimensional.

Instructional Procedures

Hand out an assignment sheet to each student. Read over the directions as a class. Discuss different shape ideas. Make it clear that everything has a shape. Shapes are not just circles and squares, hearts and stars. Telephones have a shape, cows have a shape, etc... Tell students to be as creative as possible. Hand out a small piece of clay to each student. Once they have decided upon a shape, have them sketch it on their paper and then sculpt it in clay. When their sculpture is complete, have them place it on their assignment sheet and move it to the front table. They need to make sure that their name is on the assignment sheet--otherwise they will not receive any credit for their sculpture. When everyone has completed their sculpture, again discuss the difference between form and shape. Let students wash their hands to clean off all the clay residue. Any extra clay can be thrown away or kept--upon your discretion.

Assessment Plan

Students should receive 40 points for successful completion of this activity. Success is based upon whether or not they drew a shape (15 points), sculpted a coordinating form (15 points) and the neatness with which they completed these tasks (10 points).


USOE Curriculum guide

Created: 05/01/2003
Updated: 02/05/2018