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Family Planning - Birth Defects

Main Core Tie

Adult Roles And Responsibilities
Strand 5 Standard 2

Time Frame

1 class periods of 70 minutes each




This discusses some family planning, birth defects, and birth defect prevention.


Background for Teachers

The textbook used is, "Strengthening Family and Self" published by Goodheart-Willcox.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Identify ways to prevent birth defects. Identify problems that are associated with pregnancy: toxemia, ectopic pregnancy and stillbirth, spontaneous abortion. Healthy lifestyle and birth defect prevention. Married and single people should implement healthy lifestyle practices. A woman should have a proper diet years before she conceives a child. Birth defect prevention, Amniocentesis, Prenatal care and proper nutrition.

Instructional Procedures

Journal, Text, Unit Notes and Discussion, Activity - Baby in Blanket, Assignment Human Reproduction Vocabulary to do by self, with parents or siblings (no dictionaries or encyclopedias). Bring to class completed the best you can next time.

Assessment Plan


    Go to the UEN lesson plans folder and click on the lesson topic. This quiz might include questions that do not apply to the subject (they were from my concurrent enrollment textbook reading). You'll need to delete these questions.

Created: 04/11/2003
Updated: 02/05/2018