The pledge of allegiance to the flag shall be recited once at the beginning of each day in each public school classroom in the state, led by a student in the classroom, as assigned by the classroom teacher on a rotating basis.
(b) Each student shall be informed by posting a notice in a conspicuous place that the student has the right not to participate in reciting the pledge.
(c) A student shall be excused from reciting the pledge upon written request from the student's parent or legal guardian.
(i) At least once a year students shall be instructed that:
(A) participation in the pledge of allegiance is voluntary and not compulsory; and
(B) not only is it acceptable for someone to choose not to participate in the pledge of allegiance for religious or other reasons, but students should show respect for any student who chooses not to participate. (Utah Code: 53A-13-101.6.)
Utah State Flag and Seal
The Great Seal of the State of Utah has a beehive, a shield, the date 1847 and a sego lily. Find out why.
House Bill 79: Right to Display Flag At Personal Residence
In 2004 the Utah Legislature passed a bill that defines certain residents with the right to display the U.S. or Utah flag.
Display of Flag (Utah Code 57-24-101, 57-24-102)
Definition of flag and restriction on prohibition of display of flag.
88-year-old mistake with Utah's state flag
Back in 1922, Dolly McMonegal put "1847" beneath the shield, even though the law required it to be in the shield.
Explore the Interactive Flag
Explore features of the flag and discover something new each time you click. Zoom in for incredible detail.
Flag Timeline
This page provides images of the U.S. flag and flag legislation from 1775 through today.
The Flag of the United States of America
This site provides historical information about the U.S. flag, as well as images of each of the official versions of the flag throughout America's history.
Symbols of U.S. Government: The Flag
Why is the U.S. flag red, white, and blue? Why stars and stripes? Visit this site to find out.
Betsy Ross and the American Flag
Spend some time with Betsy Ross and find out if she really sewed the first U.S. flag. Be sure to read The Story of Betsy Ross's Life for more information.
U.S. Flag Code (36 USC 10)
Here is the official Flag Code from Title 36 (Patriotic Societies and Observances) of the United States Code Chapter 10 (Patriotic Customs).
Our Flag
The Federal Citizen Information Center developed this informative website dedicated to the U.S. Flag.
U.S. Historic Flags from Past to Present (pdf)
View how the U.S. flag changed as states were added to the Union.
Flag Picture Gallery
View the "Don't Tread on Me" flag that includes a snake, the "Betsy Ross" flag and the "Grand Star" flag.
Flag Etiquette
The Flag Code, which formalizes and unifies the traditional ways in which we give respect to the flag, also contains specific instructions on how the flag is not to be used.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the Flag
Find the answer to your flag questions, such as What is the significance of displaying the flag at half-staff? and How are unserviceable flags destroyed?
Folding the American Flag and Symbols
View the step-by-step directions on how to fold the American flag and read about the meaning behind each step. Print a paper flag for practice folding.
Flag Questions
Is it true that you are supposed to destroy the flag if it touches the ground? What is the proper way to dispose of a flag? Learn the answers to these and other questions about the U.S. flag.
Flag Day: June 14
Learn about Flag Day and historic Flag Day celebrations from The Library of Congress's American Memory collection.
Flag Day Celebrated: June 14, 1777
The Library of Congress' Jump Back in Time highlights the day the Continental Congress approved the design of a national flag.
The Pledge of Allegiance
You have probably recited the Pledge of Allegiance many times, but do you know what the words actually mean? This American Legion webpage helps us understand what the pledge is all about.
Red Skelton's Commentary on the Pledge of Allegiance
Have you heard of Red Skelton? (He was a radio and TV comedian of the 1950s and 60s.) Read his commentary on the Pledge of Allegiance.
Simple Symbols and American Children
These activities will teach and instill a respect for the American flag, the pledge of allegiance, liberty bell, statue of liberty, the bald eagle, and other patriotic symbols.
(Grade K)
Stars and Stripes Forever: Flag Facts for Flag Day
The U.S. Flag is one of the most important symbols of our nation. Students will learn what a symbol is and how the flag became such an important symbol to our nation.
(Grades K-2)
The American Flag
Teach your students about the American Flag, including its history, what the symbols represent, and the proper way to display it. (Grades K-5)
Oh, Say, Can You See What the Star-Spangled Banner Means?
Students learn how the flag became the most important symbol of American patriotism after Francis Scott Key's poetic account of the bombardment of Fort McHenry.
(Grades 3-5)
The Betsy Ross Story: Truth or Legend?
Students investigate the facts behind the story of Betsy Ross.
(Grades 3-12)
June 14 is Flag Day in the U.S.
President Woodrow Wilson signed the law that proclaimed June 14 each year to be celebrated as the national holiday of Flag Day. Every year since 1916, this day has been a day of patriotic celebration.
(Grades 5-12)
Examining the Pledge of Allegiance
Students will explore their own right to freedom of speech by examining the Pledge of Allegiance from a historical and personal perspective. (Grades 9-12)
Utah Flag Information U.S. Flag Info & History
Flag Etiquette & Flag Day
Pledge of Allegiance Lesson Plans/Activities

The Great Seal of the State of Utah has a beehive, a shield, the date 1847 and a sego lily. Find out why.

In 2004 the Utah Legislature passed a bill that defines certain residents with the right to display the U.S. or Utah flag.

Definition of flag and restriction on prohibition of display of flag.

Back in 1922, Dolly McMonegal put "1847" beneath the shield, even though the law required it to be in the shield.
- Utah State FLAG Concurrent Resolution
Sponsored by: Rep. Julie Fisher, R-Fruit Heights - Utah corrects 88-year-old mistake on state flag (pdf)
Feb. 16, 2011 - Salt Lake Tribune - Utah's flag In error (pdf)
Jan. 14, 2011 - Standard-Examiner - Time to fix 88-year-old mistake in Utah flag? (pdf)
Dec. 25, 2010 - Salt Lake Tribune

U.S. Flag Information & History

Explore features of the flag and discover something new each time you click. Zoom in for incredible detail.

This page provides images of the U.S. flag and flag legislation from 1775 through today.

This site provides historical information about the U.S. flag, as well as images of each of the official versions of the flag throughout America's history.

Why is the U.S. flag red, white, and blue? Why stars and stripes? Visit this site to find out.

Spend some time with Betsy Ross and find out if she really sewed the first U.S. flag. Be sure to read The Story of Betsy Ross's Life for more information.

Here is the official Flag Code from Title 36 (Patriotic Societies and Observances) of the United States Code Chapter 10 (Patriotic Customs).

The Federal Citizen Information Center developed this informative website dedicated to the U.S. Flag.

View how the U.S. flag changed as states were added to the Union.

View the "Don't Tread on Me" flag that includes a snake, the "Betsy Ross" flag and the "Grand Star" flag.

The Flag Code, which formalizes and unifies the traditional ways in which we give respect to the flag, also contains specific instructions on how the flag is not to be used.

Find the answer to your flag questions, such as What is the significance of displaying the flag at half-staff? and How are unserviceable flags destroyed?

View the step-by-step directions on how to fold the American flag and read about the meaning behind each step. Print a paper flag for practice folding.

Is it true that you are supposed to destroy the flag if it touches the ground? What is the proper way to dispose of a flag? Learn the answers to these and other questions about the U.S. flag.

Learn about Flag Day and historic Flag Day celebrations from The Library of Congress's American Memory collection.

The Library of Congress' Jump Back in Time highlights the day the Continental Congress approved the design of a national flag.

You have probably recited the Pledge of Allegiance many times, but do you know what the words actually mean? This American Legion webpage helps us understand what the pledge is all about.

Have you heard of Red Skelton? (He was a radio and TV comedian of the 1950s and 60s.) Read his commentary on the Pledge of Allegiance.

These activities will teach and instill a respect for the American flag, the pledge of allegiance, liberty bell, statue of liberty, the bald eagle, and other patriotic symbols.
(Grade K)

The U.S. Flag is one of the most important symbols of our nation. Students will learn what a symbol is and how the flag became such an important symbol to our nation.
(Grades K-2)

Teach your students about the American Flag, including its history, what the symbols represent, and the proper way to display it. (Grades K-5)

Students learn how the flag became the most important symbol of American patriotism after Francis Scott Key's poetic account of the bombardment of Fort McHenry.
(Grades 3-5)

Students investigate the facts behind the story of Betsy Ross.
(Grades 3-12)

President Woodrow Wilson signed the law that proclaimed June 14 each year to be celebrated as the national holiday of Flag Day. Every year since 1916, this day has been a day of patriotic celebration.
(Grades 5-12)

Students will explore their own right to freedom of speech by examining the Pledge of Allegiance from a historical and personal perspective. (Grades 9-12)